Our standard cleaning service in Sand Key, FL, covers all essential tasks to keep your home tidy. We dust surfaces, vacuum carpets, mop floors, and sanitize kitchens and bathrooms, ensuring a comfortable living environment for you and your family.
For a thorough refresh, our deep cleaning service tackles hard-to-reach areas in your Sand Key home. We clean baseboards, light fixtures, and behind appliances, removing built-up grime to enhance your home's cleanliness and hygiene.
Moving can be stressful. Let us handle the cleaning. Our move in/out service ensures your Sand Key property is immaculate, meeting all requirements for new occupants or final inspections. We clean inside cabinets, appliances, and all living spaces.
Our apartment cleaning service is tailored for Sand Key residents living in condos or apartments. We address the unique needs of smaller spaces, providing detailed cleaning that enhances your home's comfort and appeal.
After renovations, our post-construction cleaning removes dust and debris from your Sand Key property. We clean all surfaces, including windows and light fixtures, ensuring your newly renovated space is ready for use.
Maintain a consistently clean home with our weekly cleaning service in Sand Key. We perform regular cleaning tasks, keeping your living spaces fresh and inviting, so you can enjoy more free time.
Need specific areas cleaned? Our hourly cleaning service in Sand Key allows you to customize the cleaning tasks based on your priorities. Pay only for the time you need, with flexible scheduling to suit your lifestyle.
Just enter your email below and click Submit to receive a coupon code for $50 off your first clean when you book weekly or bi-weekly service:
Just enter your email below and click Submit to receive a coupon code for $50 off your first clean when you book weekly or bi-weekly service: